Thursday, May 31, 2012 setting Password easy...!now trying on facebook?

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Jacob D. Myers: Holy Ink: The Spirituality of Tattoos (PHOTOS)

Jacob D. Myers: Holy Ink: The Spirituality of Tattoos (PHOTOS)
My  tattooO? is a beautifully intricate  bollywood actor, Jaan Shaan  with 6 pks...authentic,one of a kindpiece by INDIAan artistDr ,SUPPANDI. Just charged meindiand BUCKS DRS das lac=10 lakhs
I recently did an inteviw with a bollywood actor on 'star tv''!??When Iasked what I thought about Mself on the other side of the needle, I explained that me tattoo did not change mee, but was an indelible expression of myown journey toward s authentic selfDI$$COVery!!/?. I see's Shaanji tattoo as an outward mark of an inward journey, accessing a part of MY self that had always been there. I WASasked rhow this step along MY OWM journey made ME feel and ME replied, to my surprise, "Fiercelybravo! Gracios!I an happy thogh the piercin was too painful ,the art was carved right on my bosom!..and Actor Shan Jaan can see it only if I completely open myPECIOS HEART TO HIM!WAIT ..LET ME ASK  DEAR JAAN IF he wants to have a look at the intricate art pice.!.He will have to look with 'piercing looks if he has to see the 'tattoo' on his body on my 'tattoo'
P.s my kitchen sink overfloewd...making swimmin phool in my kitchin..Now I've to clean up before I get Al or she will gleefully swim and splish splash!!........o my tattoo...i shouldn;t have bragged about my tattoo..May be it's God's way of saying STOP IT..IT gets you infected with HIV ,HCV,HB'song'!!
                       Reporting live24X7 ,Gloria adipos gracios @thumma googie
See you Not soon due to mopping Kitchen ..o my tattoo..i wish I hadn't tattooed!May be MY FATE!!???????


John Hagee Ministries - Daily Scripture Reading and Pastoral Blessing - Thursday, May 31, 2012
         exposing enemy tactics...The Lord wants us to be aware of enemy tactics...123
"Now let me choose twelve thousand men, and I will arise and pursue David tonight. 2 I will come upon him while he is weary and weak, and make him afraid. And all the people who are with him will flee, and I will strike only the king. 3 Then I will bring back all the people to you. When all return except the man whom you seek, all the people will be at peace." 4 And the saying pleased Absalom and all the elders of Israel.
Tactic #1 Pursues the leader not the feeble, ignorant,harmless flock...reason why some christian leaders fall into sin=lust for money power,sex.The enemy sees them as God's eye!If he can be balled out for a six the flock will be crumble into powder by their own negative talk.They help themseves to destruction and death!plz don't blame dII$$co company!They can't be everywhere=not omnipresent!!
Tactic#2 Attack the leader when he is weary!
Pathogenesis of weariness=negative talk of pastor on all front of, back sides...withcraft prayer...gossip,slander pastor..and cover up with passionless loveless,hateful three vain words=in jes' mane=inmyname!?One can feel the pressure[weigght] of negative talk weighing down on you if you are spiritually sensitive!
Tactic#3Leader believes he is infallible,not vulnerable to sin/temptation.Very normal to have depressing ngative thought now and then during a day!How you deal with it dtermines the out come!Tell your spouse eg..i don't know why I saw a snap shot of a naked woman in my mind? Then pray..!Wife should be compassionate who knows di$$co dance!..If it doesn't help ask family to pray...still attecked involve inner circle of intercessors....they must have already sensed the spirit and in all probabilty praying much ahead months or years before you face the temptation...But the leader humbling himself and confessing he faces temptation like any mere unbelieving sheep breaks off the enemy's hold on him!It has got to do more with PRINCIPLE of HUMILITY than PRINCIPLE OF FAITH!if you don't understand this priciple ..100%guarantee=WATERLOO..humpty dumbty effect!Will suffer casualties!Will have to be rushed to cashualty..put on life support and slowly weaned of tubes and wire!Till then don't be in a hurry to rush to war with the 'discosheep company' within the churchwhich assaulted yoo!Your anger should be directed at thedII$$co pvt companyLTDand not at your dumbell they know NO better...but the leader should model lords's prayers to them= the dumbell sheep in the congrefgaton..Forgive them FAther,they know knot what thay did..doing witch craft prayer knotting my mind making me fight my wife,not thinking straight..losing everythin..wife,money honor!

"What I have written, I have written."!!

John Hagee Ministries - Daily Scripture Reading and Pastoral Blessing - Thursday, May 31, 2012

And He, bearing His cross, went out to a place called the Place of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha, 18 where they crucified Him, and two others with Him, one on either side, and Jesus in the center. 19 Now Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross. And the writing was:
20 Then many of the Jews read this title, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin.
21 Therefore the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, "Do not write, The King of the Jews, but, He said, "I am the King of the Jews." "
22 Pilate answered, "What I have written, I have written."

Are you a praying christian?or a Wish List..WISH BONE prayerless X'tian
        Prayinf follower of Christ belongs to KoG..feels he is a child studying in Kinder Garden!..Full of Awe about everythin...His TEACHER KNOWS Everythin..So he intently watches and imitates everythin what The Teacher does...RESULT=Ends up being more and nore like the Teacher!
       Prayerless Wish List..Wishy washy X'tians belongs to dII$co PVTcompamy LTD .Graduated...many have postgraduated years back with SUPERDUPIN Super speciality degrees...MaD... DuM.. MoroSnetwork.Doesn't  believe'onebit' inCME LOCAL OR ONLINE[E-Teacher]=CONTINUING MASTER[JESUS] EDUCATION!!..Has acidic notion that he is PAR EXCELLENCE..can't be even compared to his TEACHERor BE TOLD anthin..Has Absolutely =0 repect for anybody who has taught hom anythin in life.. All.Credit goeds to I I ME ME MINE MINE!!Best way to befriend them...-TELL NOTHIN OR GET LOST!!
             Prayer....coutsey my E-teacher

Let’s pray: Lord, go deep within me. Master, I see
that the primary difference between the attitude of the
Pharisees and the attitude of Your followers is meekness, and that without meekness, I become a Christian
Pharisee. Deliver me, excavate my soul of self-righteous
thoughts and attitudes. Deliver me from religious fl esh and
lead me into the fullness of Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name.

You & Our Family: SECRETips for Pregnancy,InfantBaby Care Your DOCTOR shouldn't KNOW!!

You & Your Family: Tips for Pregnancy, Infant and Baby Care
You & Our Family:SECRETips fr Pregnncy,InfntBby Care.. Yr DOCTOR shuldn't KNOW
    Brewing tew again!This time red herbal strawberry Tea!!??Suffering from dry mouth...more specifically FOOT MOUTH SYNDROME!! Talked sooo muchx60 minutes with amma..!Cried about ole Sue next door!Amma was so touched by my sobbing! dare she goes..amma..I feel elated points!! Everyone else thinks you are a Crack Jack biscui!t=Indian cookie...we call cookies 'biscoot'' in north India aNd buiscuit in South India!Keralites respect English Language!.PLz note Crack Jaak biscoot is not made from Jack fruit!!we survived on these bicuits ,while working in DUNCAN HOSPITALRaxaul,Bihar,India..!Or else we would have gone bonkers and turned into NUTmegs!!.It's sad we don't get Duncan Do NUTS there in RAXAUL! I 've never seen aNUTin Bihar!You'll neither see belly FAT on any of the Fish caught there!
SECRET#1They don't eat DONUTS

Laerning to BREW gbood Tea With E=teacher@6xxyy66.Ediameen.gloriathomagoogie.inuphobicbathtub .com

Join our Biblical Hebrew webinar | Learn Biblical Hebrew with eTeacher
JUst got back after brewing tea for my lovevone Thumma Bar Yona!!
Just a Little Spicy Nutmeg tea....
2 asli=authentic TAJ Mahal ..kaala=blacke brand TGUNNYbages
2glasses=drinking H20,or wine glass your choice!!o.k.!
Boil it to 100'c
Make sure loved one is cool!
Not Boiling inside
Seething with anger
Gritting his teeth
If signs and symptom Free.
Continue to heat water
But reduce Flame
And Just Simmer....
Add 2 Cups of Sugar
With Heaps of Love
Apinch of salt
Then crack the Nut'mug
Thinkin?of him
Just firmly and gently
Add 2-6 tit bit of nut ,meg
Also pray to Good God
As you crack the nut
For wisdom from above..
So that you angd your loved one
Wont act as crack pots!!!
Now 'blaclk nut' meg  teais ready!!
Serve in a red hert shaped Mugg
With a lovely  Spicy kiss on his cheeks!!



Eden - Kelanie - YouTube
I love ''Sathyameva Jayathe''=Truth Will Always Prevail !I just Love the way how Amir Khanji Presents the TRUTH!Awesome Presentation!!
Amir=Rich =Hindi ....Amir Khanji is a from a  Rich Khan dan!But absolutely no airs!Doesn't walk with NOSE HIGHUP in the air as some middle class SNOBSdo!!Nosy in other peoplz buzziness!Buzy trying to outbeat others by  covering themselves in ''atrocious'clothes which make them so00 SELFConscious!!Wonder when their STRAPLESS OUTFIT WILL TUBLE DOWN FOR A SIX!! They speak Manglish ..LOUD to make sure everyone hears so that others get the 'BadIya' impression=they have studied at least one month outzide Kerala and forgotten mala...the spelling even!!!!!.when all they know is tooty fruity ENGLISH!!THIZZ izz... ...more prevalent in God's own country..they are too educated and toooo cultured to taalk in malayalam!!!!
   I got Shock treatment!!! =ECT=Electro conulsive..Therapy used in puraana Zammana=olden times - Hindi during my tenure in LUDHIANA,Punjab..They hardly utter an Englishman word!Too patriotic to the core even if I were to plead with them, ''I don't understand their BadIya ,Gudiya language!''!  BadIya=Great-Punjabi  Gudiya=Doll-PanjabiThey insist they talk ..any you talk in desi language!Initially One of them fun of my ''BadIya'' Hindi accent and Vocabulary!I thought North Indians really had an attitude= 5 LETTERED WORD=PRIDE!But looking back it forced me to talk a language I found embarassed to speak!!My ka ke ki koo= was always out of place!!...grammar!!!= sthreee- link pull-link= female and male gender for each thing-living &nonliving on planet earth!!!!!!!!!
     I 'm glad I was forced to be part of such a patriotic Khandan=family=Hindi!Brought me to my knees!Learn or Perish!


Humsafar = Co Passenger

Humsafar drama full title song OST HD - YouTube
Imagine yourself travelling in a train.By the end of the day you, would've befriended so many...!Some end up being life long friends,business partners...,life partners.
See yourself as a co=passenger!Not a Boss who Bosses around and makes LIFE Hell for everyone!Won't you cry if your friendly co-passenger was dying due to drugs,alcohol,sexually transmitted diseases,cancer,poverty!Would you let them go through HELL?
Prayin ,we see ourselves as co-passengers on a journey, till life on earth end,s and we open our eyes to see each other celebrating in Heaven!!

You Raise Me Up to Stand on Rock Hill Mountain

You Raise Me Up - YouTube
When troubles come..
And My soul so weary..
WHEN I feel I'm DONE
I'll Stop everything
And wait patiently for You..
.Till You come
And sit a while with me
I feel I an UNDONE
You Suprise me by what you do
 Raise me up ,UP!!
More than I can imagine!!
To stand on  Rocky hill Mountain!!
And Shout''I'm FREE''!
You teach and train me
TOWalk on Stormy seas!
I'm strong
When I'm on your shoulder!!!

!! !Iam kNOT a Mallu!! Or ULLU ka Patta!!!!!![fool]

Breathe by Michael W. Smith - YouTube Mallu![abbr for malayalee=keralite] ULLU ka Patta!!!!!![fool]
Label me Properly!! !
Iam not a Mallu
OR ULLU ka Patta!!!!!!
Aaap ji you utter 'ATTA'[ atta=wheat flor-hindi]...[.atta=centipede..millipede..creepy things in malayalam]
Order Atta in a Grcery store!
The shop keeper may frownat you
Crown you as a joker
We are grateful toGod
We ,God's people
Born in God's own country,KERALA
KERALA[kera-coconut,,] NOT KARELA[bitter gord-hindi]
Never rebelled
Against Authority
Refusing to learn Hindi
As some intelligent fols did!
No Hidi in School Curriculum!
Hind bonds us Hindusthanis together
Whether you like it or NOT!?
It is handy to know a code language
Especially if you are 'NET' Wormking!!?

A propos de notre nouveau look

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Comme vous avez sans doute remarqué, le blog de Google France a un nouveau look : nous testons les nouveaux modèles Blogger appelés "Affichages Dynamiques" en partenariat avec d’autres blogs Google.

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HOW to be a HIPSTER!

HOW to be a HIPSTER! (Hang With Shane : Day 104) - YouTube
Have fun with hipstes at !!cool col watch with some Greene Super bowl size Col whippe: via @youtube
Subscribe Frre
Hilarios show buzz
No limit to cussing!
Beautful ma  'am selles
Visit Chunky!
Eat Cheatzy  cheapfood!
Become a princeor princess!

Mera Naam Joker - My network info available free to HACK!!ON GOOGLE +

Mera Naam Joker - Ae Bhai Zara Dekh Ke Chalo - Manna Dey - YouTube
feel absolutely frre to hack.My domain info provided below..paste it on you 'eyebrow'  ser and get going!no password no two step or any kind of verification!totally hassle frree hack free!!100%11??
Cosy $)0.00/momth  bestter rate  if you take 3 yr plan )$ months
Just look at the profit you have made!!$0000.oo-0.oo!?
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Every problem under Hven..that is our Punblic domain
Where our adminisyrators play DOMINOSE
gloria adipos graciosthoma yaar Burrole
Patron fakebook...See me O of this FORTUNE COMPAMY=MR ABC PAGE!!

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Mera Naam Joker - My network info available free to HACK!!ON GOOGLE +

Mera Naam Joker - Ae Bhai Zara Dekh Ke Chalo - Manna Dey - YouTube
feel absolutely frre to hack.My domain info provided below..paste it on you 'eyebrow'  ser and get going!no password no two step or any kind of verification!totally hassle frree hack free!!100%11??
Cosy $)0.00/momth  bestter rate  if you take 3 yr plan )$ months
Just look at the profit you have made!!$0000.oo-0.oo!?
You have made $$$$ so many dollars absolotely without sweating or batting an eyelid
Join OUR businessZZ
You will become a zillionire like me JUST SLEEPING THRU YOUR NOSE zzzzzzZZZZZ!
OPREATING Buziness in zillions trillions or bilillions of$$$$$oooooo
The reason we are called the first 'really real well baby company' on social net woks'!
Premier in addressing baby problems,baby boom problem,old age problem same sex problems,money problem,dowry problem, problem,pest problem,,poy tick problem....
Every problem under Hven..that is our Punblic domain
Where our adminisyrators play DOMINOSE
gloria adipos graciosthoma yaar Burrole
Patron fakebook...See me O of this FORTUNE COMPAMY=MR ABC PAGE!!

appCodeName: Mozilla
appName: Netscape
appVersion: 5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1084.52 Safari/536.5
cookieEnabled: true
onLine: true
platform: Win32
userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like 

Gentle womem of the Shouting Generation!

Dancing Generation - YouTube
Gentle woman of he shouting generation!
D you know her?
The female who yells
Like she is burning,
Set on Fire
In a Forsaken well.
She planned to shout
From the rooftop
But her friemdly foes
had a fit of RAGE
Thet conniveed
Derived a formula
to oust her
The original diS$co company
Notorios for rebellion
Overflowing with pride
Charge of Nole havens 'worship band!
I sm covring up
Boss's inability yo sing
Nobody can sing like me!
Nobody can dance like me
Not even mashoor sHARukh khan
Of Bollywood fame
As bella Lucy's neck grew STIFF
She developed a creepy pain!
Before she diagnosed it
She was flung down to earth
Like a piece of cow dung
lucy landed in garden of Eden
The feathers in her cap
the nuticloroed ,beautiful ones
Which got her into trouble
She refused to part with it!
Bella Lucy made up her mind!
If only I could corrupt
A stupid femae's mind
Who is willing
To shout her views
From the roof top
I am more than happy
That'll be my life mission!
My target =bella females!
Cute sizzxxling coverup
PERFECT cover up for me
To do my cover up act
Fool that Adam
The first Adam
Destigned to reign and rule
With Princess d'Ev e
Wait till I change her name TO DIvea
I 'll teach her a life motto
For sure her eyes will
Lust after the red apple
For sure she will
Rebel against Amighty God!
Bella EVE is super refined
Double refined
Made from Adans side rib
To be a suitable helper
to walk on the side walk
By her man kingAdam!
She is too clever to belive a female
She can easily read her mind
She is programmed with discernment
Unless I use apps
I can't corrup her mind!!!
And off Lucy wnt
Disguies a powerless,useless, sapant
Who had bno intention of sripping
Her and her husban's kingdom on earth
For one monent EVE comfotablt forgot
To get her loved one's permission
To down load apps!
She did it in her own strength
Adam watched fer download
But didn't refer to the Mnual
Ended up downloading apps like his beloved
The story had a sad turnaround
They banished themselves
From a holy loving GOD
BY Hiding in religious FIG clothes
Their fiction ogf imagiation
Led them to blieve
All is well with my soul
SANS GOD ,the manual,gdly family,kids and friends!!

to belive the lies
Sung by his diva EVEA

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Invite A Friend |

..Family in which the s4 year old son ran the show!!

Dr. Dobson's Parenting Devotional - May 30 - Wednesday, May 30, 2012
David intuitively understood the truth available to all of us in Scripture: “The corrections of discipline are the way to life” (Proverbs 6:23). He knew that his father had applied just the right measure of loving discipline. When we parents properly balance love and correction, we’ll stimulate the same respect and tender affection in our own families.

I dea STEMs from 2012Top Ranking ,jOKEBUSTER Bollwoods movie!!

Best High Schools For STEM 2012: U.S. News And World Report Releases Top Rankings For Science, Technology, Engineering And Math

Dear Priya ..!!!

Pls do not waste good energy for acidic notions..!!

Priya Simon
9:27 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Jacob
agree! imagination running wild ..plannimg to move to Bolly wood to hide in TIgger woods!t do you think of this is a Wise idea ..loving among Tigger the black panther $family!?

PentupAngr to expand cybersecurity program for marriage arts repot byWashing Machine

Bomb squad called in after Brampton church fire

Peel police confirm to CityNews a bomb squad has been called in after a fire at St. Jerome’s Roman Catholic Church on Chinguacousy Road, north of Steeles Avenue, in Brampton.
One person was rushed to hospital for smoke inhalation after the blaze this morning.

Chinguacousy Road is closed in the area for the investigation.
Watch Breakfast Television and go to for more. You can follow us on Twitter @CityNews.

Thoma Yaar Burr 'ole Yona: Still The One On Our 150th Anniversary

Jim Moret: Still The One On Our 30th Anniversary
 Thoma Yaar Burr'ole Yona,
Aims at New Haven's Flood gate
Sky is not the limit
Gentle man of violent fath
Capable of shaking nations
Has ample courage
Has tools in his custody
To fix the dI$scoS  co.@66xxyy6

.....fifteen years of marriage and neither of us can quite believe it. The Holocost that followed that great day on our honey moon!had it not been for her the plot would not have been unravelled!!
                           There is no doubt that my initial feeling was spot on. She is the one. She has a tenderness that draws me to her. Keri is sensitive with a quiet confidence and easy-going attitude. Her outward shyness masks tremendous strength. All those qualities make her an incomparable mom to our two children. When she sleeps, she looks like an angel. She is still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!!?.

Exclusive: Is TParty Morgue Paying For Jo's Personal Bhowling Operation? Questions Surround Shadowy Front "New Models USA"

Exclusive: Is JP Morgan Paying For John Boehner's Personal Polling Operation? Questions Surround Shadowy Front "New Models USA"
n today’s edition, we’d like to call your attention to a secretive nonprofit, “New Models U.S.A.” The media has linked the group to a number of shady electioneering efforts in the past. Republic Report has uncovered new information about the group, its funders, and a strange arrangement that appears to be set up so that Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) has his own private polling 

There is Hope!The SON had not gone down on women..HOMEMAKERS!!

Dolores Huerta To Receive Presidential Medal Of Freedom

Huerta is now 82 years old, a mother to 11 children, and grandmother to seven. Huerta considers her proudest accomplishments to be, "Spanish-language ballots for voters, public assistance for immigrants, toilets in the fields, drinking water protection from pesticides," and an immigration act which gave legal statust to over a million farmworkers, according to The Daily Beast.
Alongside activist César Chávez, Huerta co-founded the National Farm Workers Association, and then served as the first vice president of the United Farm Workers. As a fearless advocate for civil rights, Huerta has been arrested twenty-two times, and has been severely beaten by police while protesting.

Arianna Huffington: Austerity: SOLOMON'S wisdom!!

Arianna Huffington: Austerity: 2011's Darling Becomes 2012's Pariah
There's a new scarlet letter in town. Actually, it's the same letter -- "A" -- but it stands for a different word that's increasingly regarded as shameful: Austerity. The darling idea of 2010 and 2011 has become the pariah concept of 2012. One of the defining features of conventional wisdom is the way it perpetuates itself. Once a certain narrative or idea takes hold in the political and media establishments, it becomes almost impossible to shake. So when the conventional wisdom doeschange, it's worth noting.

RAINBOW - Miss Mistreated by Facbook!!

RAINBOW - Miss Mistreated [ '84 Japan HQ remaster audio ] - YouTube

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you will SOON  submit yourself incourt if you play hide and seek!What kind of soft wear do you have if you can never SUBMIT A COMMENT from me a homemaker FOR PAST MANY DAYS....this has been a game ..or is it taht your sofwear and hard wear is corrupted and know only to corrupt people's walls with naked pictures of women and in no way will tolerate a homemaker's plea  as you see her absolutely powerless as she has no BIG money like you do!!!MONEY WILL COME AND GO!CHARACTER STAYS...MY DEARSET FRIND....PLZdon't invite trouble!i pray god bless you that people won't boycott you!I am thinking of asking Amirkhanji of Bollywood fame to take up my case!!

YOUR Character will define your posterity,Legacy!!not Money /politicking Power!!

Arianna Huffington: Austerity: 2011's Darling Becomes 2012's Pariah
Facebook fooling me again!wasted a lot of tilme logging in!May be they have orders from above not to let me in Political problems!rather be with other networkss like google+ ...wayn linkedIN Orkut..which don't cave in like Share prizes giving into polyticking pressure!!I must have tried logging in for 20 minutes!Tell me is this arrogance or humility!If there is a 24 hour wait period why not tell in the beginning rather than projecting false information!!like you did with IPO!!?

N O WORRIES!Mystical smile!!???earyyyyscary grin!!

Photos - Google+
   M y Favorite ''No Worries''Tshirt !Made In Australia!Cmfortable not suffocaating!loose xl fitting!
Gifted by  one of my sunshine siblings ...with loads of love and teddy bear hugs from the Queen's land.?,Australia......

Latest Goria gracios Adipos-ThomaYaar Bar Yona Family updates

Uriah Heep - Love Or Nothing - YouTube

Latest Goria gracios Adipos-ThomaYaar Bar Yona Family updates May 23-29

Latest gloria-ThomaYaar bar YONA Family Updates May 23-29

Week of May 23-29

Dr. ita and cob Koor Ayyat celebrate their 37th anniversary on June 5.
orge geese turns 26 on June?

Dear Family,
  God bless you !
Best wishes !
Gloragracios adipose,
thoma yaar mar Yona
Nehnja thoma
Alnja Thoma

pLa..lalallal Make up yor mind!- It's gonna be nothin but Love!!

Uriah Heep - Love Or Nothing - YouTube
Lalalalal ..lalalal It's Gonna Be Love!!!OR NOTHIN at All
Give me your Love or Nothin at All
Trying to be somebody
You are NOT
You Can't Fake !
 AuthenticJesus Love
Without HisAbiding Presence!
You are nothing!
Your love is 
Nothing but a dumbell
You are holding 
Your self together
On CYmbal  --ta !
You are a genuine TOUCH== ME -KNOTT!

set up

Priya SimonMay 28 (1 day ago)
Dear Family, Wondering whether I should write on facebook wall!I?or start a n...
Jacob PaulMay 29 (1 day ago)
Following the daily devotionals are important Priya.
Priya SimonMay 29 (1 day ago)
let me hear from one more ...two witnesses

Jacob Paul
9:05 AM (1 hour ago)

to me
The other witness is The Holy Spirit Priya..!!