(94) Priya Simon
- Priya Simon SUNIL ....Where you posted with me in Easow Sir's unit? YOUrealname?
- Priya Simon ....REgaining selective memory less...honey honey h..everythin blankout...schooltimefavri
te....thnx to u tube! - Priya Simon IN india people like ole sue my next door neighbor $big mouth gol mol are calledBBC!!NETWORK IN CALICUT MEDICAL COLLEGE!EVERY YEAR THEY SELECT AND HONOR A BBC @tha annual 34 th batch centannary gole jubilee celebration for tellinf lies!everry gals heart would thump hard as the announceneny would be made at any time by chocoboy....selected by secret BALLOT BOX EVER EVER EVERY YEAR!!!!So this TIME FOR GET TOGETHER in PALAKKD NAVEEM RAMARASAM RRR$company must have already made $$$$garlands to honor golmol for writinh golmol lies about THEMme!!!i hope to attend the Great fanfare function on Aug 15 2012...palakkad...iNdepend
ebce day of India from rule..they spsecificallly choen that day itself i think tio honor golnol with''BBC TITLE''!!.....thumma wiil be verruy veerr verrr hapy..will teall me you deseve desreve deserbr it .....i told you mot to spread lies!!!
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