Chain Food Showdown: The Best & Worst Nachos At America's Casual Dining Restaurants
Casual Dining , Casual Dining Nachos , Chain Food Showdown , Nachos , Photo Galleries , Food News
HuffPost Food recently went on a tour de force of some of America's major casual dining chains. Regardless of your taste in cuisine, chances are you've found yourself at a casual dining restaurant before, whether one is your go-to Friday night spot or a road trip-only meal. These national chains pride themselves on creating a menu that can appeal to a wide variety of eaters. But are these calorie-heavy appetizers worth it? We pitted eight appetizers from eight casual dining chains against each other to find out. Week 2: Nachos.
What originally turned us on to evaluating the most common fare at the biggest restaurant chains was a surface level understanding of how many major casual dining restaurants work. In some of these chains, food is often pre-prepared in a central kitchen, and then frozen[HOWLONG?IN KERALA EVEN IF IT WERE HEALTHY ,SOME FUSSY MEN DON'T EAT WHAT IS COOKKED FOR LUNCH FOR DINNER!?KNEW A MISSIONAR?DOC who insisted that his wife cook diff menu for dinner!another faithful christian ued to make his wife cover her head with shampoo CAP WHILE SHE COOKED?..AND SHE WOULD OBEY...?..REASON ONCE UPON A TIME HE DICOVERED A STRAND OF HERIN NOODLES!!..WONDER WHAT ALL IS THERE IN YOUR BLOODIE MAIE?A disgustedsted waiter once told''such arrogant people come to have buffett..hog like pigs..impatient ...yell if service is poor while the waiter has to run helter skelter betwem tables secret revenge=spiting inthe bloodie marie...and these goons gulp...super bloodie marie...true story from chennaii!!!
MORALE;plz trEat you waiter well!don't display your be shipped and re-heated across the country. We read fascinating tales of this process, such as the section on Applebee's in Tracie McMillan's "The American Way Of Eating" !
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