Lady Lawyer Educates Bensalem (PA) Cop - YouTube
Respected madam,
we holh in high respect prople who enfoce law..we kreala people!we don't have the courage to talk back like fist time my phone bell...goes...ring ring...usaually i don't move out of my 'throne'to pivk the phone I just fellt like.........callerid...indicated i had somebody at the apt door who wanted to unlock the door...i could hear ...NOT INDAIAN ACCENT LIKR I decided to go out and snoop on ....i had a grat surprise..not one but two cops.......usually in our apt if somebody has to get in the call the apt no...wherethey are supposed to go....i opened the door thinkinh it is friend visit?for my golmol stories...Anyway one of them smiled ...and i saw both of them take the elevator..!!!
anyway in kerala we walk allover the place we think every plaace including public place we own...we hijackallpublic places to set up shop...roadside vendors..cops come ,,next day repeat story....they spit and throw garbage allaround,,public, but thei own compound..early mornibg..brooming al around thwe compund...clanliness of highest order..bpublic places our kerala clan thinks are public garbagedump grounds...the same ruthless,lazy clannmembers wvho come here.are very had working here... won't dare to do it here..why???
in govt offices..entertaiment galore...tea time as many times..missing from seat..gone where?bnobody can ask them? FOR THIS EVERYONE HAS TO GIVE THEM$$$$$ for one paper to move from lower desk to upperdesk..fiesd dappa was a civil engineeer...did one big project...hewas on the bat following thre record holder swimmer....swam ithink rameswaram to acrossSRLANKA ==stait...let me check........... TO THE PONT...tried being a good engineer...policy ..ROB MONEY and divide in one way when he was forced to resign jon when granpa died he was in ome way happy..didn;thave to witness black magic game any more...these enginerres some with polytech help write off billfor buildibg bridges which have never and never will be bulit...only insider know the secret secret father was relieved thought hewill manage his own land potsch manadged bty cmraded LABOUR UNION BIG TINE..SINILAR PROBLEM..WON'T COME ON TIME TEA TINE GIOSSIP TINE ....PLENTY DON'T LIKE TO BR TOLD ANTTHYIN..STEALING BY SUPERVISORS AND LABOUR..EVERY YESR BONUS FOR DOING GOLMOL WORK..EVERY YEAR WOOLLEN BLANKETS UMBRELLAS FOR ALLWHOLE FAMILY!??MED BILL?..[WE MAGE WITH ONE BLANKET AND ONE UMBERLLA FOR YEARS].SO MUCH BEFITS ....WITHOUT DOING WORK PROPERLY ACT LIKE BOSS..REGULAR PHONE CALLS COME GO TO HOTEL WITH MONEY BAG OR ELSE STRIKE STRIKE KILLING..CUT U INTO 50 PIECES..MY ONRE RELATIVE WAS MURDERED IN DAY TIME UNION?...SO MANY SNALL AGRICULURIST HAVE COMMIITTED SUICIDE,,BLAME GOVT FOR EVERYTHING!WHAT ABOUT COMRADES WHO COMPLAIN..THEIR WORK EHICS GOLMOL??? COMRADES..AS SOONAS PHONE CALL COMES GO TO.. if they COMRADESdo that they will be will not only work butOUTWTTINGLY OVER DO EXTRA HOURS TO MAKE SURE THEY PERFORM BETTER..YHEY KNOW THEI GOLNOL DRAMA WONT WORHK HERE STIFFSTIIF COMPETITION FROM CHINESE....NOT BHAI BHAI..LITTLT BIT BORDER FIDGHT..INDIA$CHINA ....ENCRACHING BORDER GALATTA DRAMA GALORE!1?
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