Sunday, May 27, 2012

LIVE STREAM: CityNews Channel Free Preview- CityNews.Awan

LIVE STREAM: CityNews Channel Free Preview-
Al Bear will be soon.. at the ''SHeer LUck ''Saloon!
Sheer Luck Bear,has dissected brain and the aponeurosis of the scalp!Planning to do buzzinezz at the Barn and make some bucks@$10 kidz bear hair cut..and@$15  for PA bear!Pa bear was the  guinea pig!last week!''conwinced'' him into believing 'BIG!. ...even if sHEER Luck bear snipped his' hare' and made him look like a Baboon!..2weeks was ample time for hair to grow back!from grass root level to 2 inch!?..made $15 ..a fair share.... didn't charge him tip as 'a 3 inch  part of the scalp was EXPOSED!SHAVED CLEAN  FOR A SIX!sHEER BEAR STYLED  PA BEAR'S HAIR...COMBED IT FORWARD ....COVER UP!Looted pa  Bear for a 'pathetic' hare'cut!!

1 comment:

  1. Learn to market'' yourself ''if you know how to hold a pair of scissors!!!!?
