Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Some BLACK MAGIC Interview Questions can Knock you to doubt...leading to Death

What are the worst interview questions that you have heard? | LinkedIn
We as a family both on mother's side and father's side don't like talking much about our private lives!We ,''majority'' of us my first degree relatives,don't put our noses into other peoplz buzziness!We don't really have time for that!Don't get 'REAL TIME' to manage my owm Home Buzziness!Right now I 've loads of work to do!Just packed kids off to school!Loved one,ThomaYaarBar Yona  left few minutes back!Iblog in between cleaning, times in my kitcken,later in myLiv room or bedroom where I intend to work!
               So we expect otherpeoplz to mind their own buzziness and not ours!If we need we'll telegram them!We thought the Golden Rule would Apply To us!''You reap what you Sow!''Sadly it has not been working for most of my first degree relatives..!
Accusations without reason,!!
Poking Fun out of season,
Being asked arrow headed Questions??
Point blank at shooting range!
If refuse to answer..such personal Q?
Inform everyone in town..
She is Grouchy,
Arrogant to the Core,
Needs deliverance
As she is 'demon' possesed!
Or else she would have had FAITH
To drive out d'emond with her lil finger!
In Jesus ' Name!
Now as she doesn't have King dom authority
Let her submit to ourLocal authority
Make sure she has no 'online' help!?
Meanwhile,isolate her!
Quarantine her as..
She is highly infectious!!
Deadly case of Salmonella
Call  Upon bella Jezabella
She will  help usdeal with her dlemons!
Mke her believe she needs CYMBALTA!!
As we know how effective, foolproof it is!??
We are the True Chuerch of Jeusus AqChrist
Which moves in Power
Casting out dlemons,
  spirit fiiled to the brim overflowing
Drinking poisonows vintage wine!?
Speaking in new Pestecostal tongues
Which  evennomands hardly understand
We trample on anty snakes amd plazy  half dead scopion
An d they die!!
The whole wold is under our feet
AND lady bella rules over us!

Why do you  overreact ?
when we help you,ask you?
What is your problem/?..
Such Qs result in a bleeding Heart,
A weary mind..!!
And then to be labelled..
It's all part off Family History!
Ask God to save Yourself
Where is Your God Now!??
Why can't your wealth help now?
You deserve a deadly wreath
For you sin/iniquity/
Trangression of your forefathers
You built the house on land dedicated to 'sapant' worship!
So you are cussed to death!
You face Papal ban abd  death
As your great granfather
Left the Roman Empire!
You 'll be ggod for nothing
As you don't use traditional,consevarvative Ortho CRUTCHES!
And beg liv saints at the tombs and pilfgrinnfrinmage hill
And refuse light huge candles there and..
 put offering at these tombs of liv holy saints!
YOOU &your family doomed for destruction!!?
You will be denied healing and KOG!
Can't you take your dying rlatives to Amarica?
Don't you have the money power
Don't you have the medical knowledge,
After studying in Medical Colleges?
Now tell us your detaliled medical histoy,
Past history without leaving ant link
Future plans..what you plan to do?
We have the BiRthright to know
As we are frinds ,relatives,foes?
We have the right ?
To decree yourFATE in jeesas- name!!?

Q asked to us more specifically to my father one year before he died... by a well meaning, relative,who is a  doctor/surgeon!!!?
Once the doctor diagnosed your father of the medical problem problem how long did he live??
Answe:r hardly 1 week!died immediately after surgery..bled to death!


  1. I pray nobody will have to field suh Q we did and continue to...!?I confronted a few...hence on their HIT LIST!MOST WANTED!Head for $$$$666
    Added to your Amazon Wish List

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  2. Black Magic..Supr Witchcraft done by so called 'belevers insise Chuech of jeechus C-st chewing gums on couchy pew ridht within the 4 walls...indescribable!!!??
