Let Not The Wise Man Glory - sung by Jack Marti - YouTube
hi Jaideep,so proud of you!Glad you also belong to thes same clan, Christian Medical College,Ludhiana!Planning to Blog this!!Mind Boggling!?AMIR Khanji's, SUPER,DUPER,Production!Sathya mevA jAYATHE!TRUTH WILL PREVAIL!!.......Everbody starts with GREAT IDEALS ....but where are all these ideals gone once you graduate!
Orthopeadic Surgeon I can expose the scam there!Some doCs get 'bags of money' and make foreign trips!Thanks to EXFIX companies!It you fix a fracture with Foreign Ex=FIXES..you fly...IF you fix fracture with Local ,less, costly IN=FIX you never fly to a forEign country for conference at company expense!!??Am I lying??!!I am not so sure!!?
Dr Jaideep is Abu's Junior in CMC,Ludhiana.
Amir Khanji,is a mashhoor=famous BollyWood Actor who stands for Truth,who is guided by The Truth.!May the TRUTH guide this COURAGEOUS HERO into All THE TRUTH!May God Bless Him and shut the mouth of Lions CLub memeber who are trying assault him with 'CLUBs'!!!?
hi Jaideep,so proud of you!Glad you also belong to thes same clan, Christian Medical College,Ludhiana!Planning to Blog this!!Mind Boggling!?AMIR Khanji's, SUPER,DUPER,Production!Sathya mevA jAYATHE!TRUTH WILL PREVAIL!!.......Everbody starts with GREAT IDEALS ....but where are all these ideals gone once you graduate!
Orthopeadic Surgeon I can expose the scam there!Some doCs get 'bags of money' and make foreign trips!Thanks to EXFIX companies!It you fix a fracture with Foreign Ex=FIXES..you fly...IF you fix fracture with Local ,less, costly IN=FIX you never fly to a forEign country for conference at company expense!!??Am I lying??!!I am not so sure!!?
Dr Jaideep is Abu's Junior in CMC,Ludhiana.
Amir Khanji,is a mashhoor=famous BollyWood Actor who stands for Truth,who is guided by The Truth.!May the TRUTH guide this COURAGEOUS HERO into All THE TRUTH!May God Bless Him and shut the mouth of Lions CLub memeber who are trying assault him with 'CLUBs'!!!?
On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 2:33 AM, Jaideep J Rayapudi <notification+kr4mn5xkyq4n@facebookmail.com> wrote:
Jaideep J Rayapudi 2:33am May 30 http://youtu.be/1Lg0kUtS8ic
Satyamev Jayate - Does Healthcare Need Healing? - 27th May 2012
" People trust medical practitioners, believing that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills...
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