Bruce Springsteen - Dancing In The Dark - YouTube
Tag.chiratta=coconut shell puttu..kerala delicacy atta[hindi[-wheat flour!atta[malayalam=centpede/miilipede!
Mind your langauge!You should know the language in the North Indian Kindom and South Indian Kingdom! make 'rotis with it!....Attas in south India...detestable..not palatabe
Bw aware=bEWARE What you eat.?...feed you tummy,mind,eyes y'ears nose...all your ole's...THE GATES in your body!There should be a sentry on guard at all these GATES!What goes i'in comes out of these Gates have to do with Principle of SOWING and Politics of Mental and Physical Health!!
I just can't comprehend why people are offended with priceless prime..principles made by DOC. KING OF Loveland ,Green Way!which will fence and defend.them from.pest,viruses proto zoa.,baucteria..?????May be wise people who PROTEST in the THE LAND OF WIZZARD OF OZS think it 'z coz I 've PEA NUT sized brain!!!?Why do they SEE it as HATE POLICY..WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO PROTECT THEM!!!???
What is this haux pox?Playing POLYTICKS...making Heath Reforms?or INFORMED Death Certicficates?giving incentives to those who do nothing to take part in SOCIAL AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE.!SCKEPTICAL ones...make hay ...WIN...and Get BILLS MADE and Paid with LAW Abiding FTAX PAYERS MONEY WHO FAX their money on time to BIG BEE!The ones who don't pay fax..and do hauxpox? get all the BONUS money where as the Fools who folloe'we's Lwas are declared LAWLESS and put to TASK by the TASK MASTER OF..Ept!!!/?
Tag.chiratta=coconut shell puttu..kerala delicacy atta[hindi[-wheat flour!atta[malayalam=centpede/miilipede!
Mind your langauge!You should know the language in the North Indian Kindom and South Indian Kingdom! make 'rotis with it!....Attas in south India...detestable..not palatabe
Bw aware=bEWARE What you eat.?...feed you tummy,mind,eyes y'ears nose...all your ole's...THE GATES in your body!There should be a sentry on guard at all these GATES!What goes i'in comes out of these Gates have to do with Principle of SOWING and Politics of Mental and Physical Health!!
I just can't comprehend why people are offended with priceless prime..principles made by DOC. KING OF Loveland ,Green Way!which will fence and defend.them from.pest,viruses proto zoa.,baucteria..?????May be wise people who PROTEST in the THE LAND OF WIZZARD OF OZS think it 'z coz I 've PEA NUT sized brain!!!?Why do they SEE it as HATE POLICY..WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO PROTECT THEM!!!???
What is this haux pox?Playing POLYTICKS...making Heath Reforms?or INFORMED Death Certicficates?giving incentives to those who do nothing to take part in SOCIAL AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE.!SCKEPTICAL ones...make hay ...WIN...and Get BILLS MADE and Paid with LAW Abiding FTAX PAYERS MONEY WHO FAX their money on time to BIG BEE!The ones who don't pay fax..and do hauxpox? get all the BONUS money where as the Fools who folloe'we's Lwas are declared LAWLESS and put to TASK by the TASK MASTER OF..Ept!!!/?
BABE!,What do you expect if you feed youRself GARBAGE!?Who Should FOOT Your BIG HOSPITAL/HOSPICE BILL???IF YOU Believe you are IMMUME to everythin! your hand IN FIRE FOR 5 MINUTES! OUCHY!Y OU CAN Give me a piece of your''BRAINY' mind IF U don't land up in the BURNS UNIT!!..Have U read Anatomy,Physio,Bio.Mcro Path.Social and Preventive Medicine..Community mEDICINE be a good idea for every one to start with 'GRAY'S ANOTOMY...BEFORE YOU PLAY FIDDLE to peoplz fiction of imagination????
ReplyDeleteAs a doctor trained in God's own country,Kerala I feel Like telling peoplz who advocate policies should be openly practzing..the trade!!?