Physicians spend nearly 12% of net revenue to pay for the costs of billing third-party insurers, adding to the list of things that keep them working harder than ever, according to a report in Health Affairs
Richard J. Baron, FACP, (a member of ACP Internist's editorial board) tracked for one year the uncompensated tasks he and his colleagues perform every day and was "stunned" by how many calls, e-mails and tests his practice's physicians processed and the administrative tasks required.
Now, researchers said that the administrative end of medical practice is needlessly complex. Of the administrative waste, almost 75% of it can be attributed to the time spent by doctors and their staffs preparing paperwork and contacting payers about prescriptions, diagnoses, treatment plans, and referrals. Most egregious was the examples where practices hired full-time staff solely for referral processing.
Authors suggested that a single transparent set of payment rules for multiple payers, a single claim form, and standard rules of submission, among other innovations, would save $7 billion annually. Each doctor would recoup four hours of professional time each week, and practice support staff would save five hours each week.
Now, researchers said that the administrative end of medical practice is needlessly complex. Of the administrative waste, almost 75% of it can be attributed to the time spent by doctors and their staffs preparing paperwork and contacting payers about prescriptions, diagnoses, treatment plans, and referrals. Most egregious was the examples where practices hired full-time staff solely for referral processing.
Authors suggested that a single transparent set of payment rules for multiple payers, a single claim form, and standard rules of submission, among other innovations, would save $7 billion annually. Each doctor would recoup four hours of professional time each week, and practice support staff would save five hours each week.
Medical profession is a noble profession if you don't link it with Polyticking Buzziness!You can focus on patient care,hearing their hearts Cry,educating them on prevention, encouraging them,having a hearty laugh with them =Treating them spirit soul and body rather than prescribing prescription drugs! wasting valuable time....playing..Poly.tick..Buzzz!