Monday, May 28, 2012

Have You Ever Seen The Rain -?

Rod Stewart - Have You Ever Seen The Rain - YouTube

Be Warned! JEREMIAH 10:17-25 Key verse For the...
Sunny Nwafor1:02pm May 28
Be Warned!
JEREMIAH 10:17-25
Key verse
For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the LORD: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered (Jeremiah 10:21).
Hollywood has increasing interest in Christianity these days.
The reason is, many churches are filled with ‘Hollywood Christians’.
As professed Christians assimilate norms of the world, it is now difficult to tell the difference between the two.
Jesus stated in John 15:19 that the world loves its own. Most believers today are worldly; therefore, the world accepts them. It is no wonder then that there has been so much talk of Christianity in the entertainment industry nowadays. Jeremiah in our text delivered his first major sermon at the temple gates in Jerusalem. The people and their leaders believed that the temple and its sacrifices guaranteed God’s protection. A frightening curse had fallen upon the land; there was adultery on every side; God’s people had set themselves on a wicked course and they were spiritually dry and depressed. But their Own shepherds had no pity on them. Their shepherds were blind to the judgment of Almighty God that loomed just ahead. While enemy armies were approaching their very gates, the blind shepherds were preaching a soothing message of peace and prosperity. They convinced the people that the good times would never end.
Dearly beloved, in these perilous days, many more damnable doctrines will be taught from the pulpit in professing Christian churches. The implication is that many true believers will turn away from the truth to embrace falsehood. Already, ministers peddling the doctrine of prosperity without emphasis on repentance and salvation through Christ have deceived millions of people to worship the golden calf of money and idolize the flesh. Christ warns us in love that we should not be deceived by the prevailing apostasy in the land.
Beware! Warnings are meant to prevent misadventure and disaster. So, abide in the truth and His revealed will in scriptures.

1 comment:

  1. I believe the finest christians who rock the nations for Jesus will be from Hollywood and Boll'wood!Watch out for them!They will rock the sleeping giants in chu'eches...sleeping comfortably .warming church pews, listening to iching, tickling Lullaby'es!!!
