Glory of Zion International Ministries, Inc.
Under the shadow of His Wings you don't feel condemned!?Recently!I started to walk with my eyes fixed on the ground!Great technique to avoid 'eye contact' with anyone!Today I felt a check in my spirit!Why was I walking looking down?Condemnation!?Suddenly felt a boldness !Began walking with head held high!What I wanted I avoid?...There at a distance stood the person I wanted to avoid!Momentarily I looked down!then walk normally again!I tried making eye contact with this person!But our eyes never met as X's eyes looked cross eyed and looked far ahead of me into the horizon! I was glad I walked normally and broke out of the cycle of condemnation!.. A few minutes back I had bumped into an elderly great grandmother who invited me to go to a Tuesday morning.. party with her!She seems to have the Indian mentality!doesn't mind anybody walking into her home without ''appointment''!...There is always somebody the Lord will place across your path, who is a 'SONSHINE''!!She was an elderly greatgrandmother with wrinkled skin...Her beaming smile!..Her pleasant talk!...I have never heard her preach!... but the warmth I felt in her embrace spoke volumes than any sermon I have heard!!
People understand the Language of LOVE!...may not understand volumes of notes written neatly and compiled at 'BiG book' Study!