Monday, May 28, 2012

The Baffled King!

Bon Jovi - Hallelujah - YouTube
What do you do when you are Baffled?
When you are engaged in the battlefield?
Fighting the biggest battle in your life!
The battle for your own life and your wife?
I t is fought at 'Golgotha'!
In the area of ''The SKULL''!hidden deep within it !
In the Valley of Weeping!
You can weep no end and give into'd I $co'!!!or
You can run into,The Door Of Hope!
 The Hiding place,hidden from the view of the enemy!.
Recline on the Bosom of your Lover and Cry your heart out!!
You will be healed by His Loving Touch!
You will be totally Lost in His Loving Embrace!
You will be loved ,saved,healed and delivered
In the shadow of His wings as you sing His Praise!
Holy !Holy!Holy!Holy is the Lamb of God!
Halleluiah to the Lamb of God!who sits on the throne.
He is   I am who I am!The Alpha and Omega
The Creator, Author and Finisher of life!
He is the Lion and the Lamb!
The Merciful,Graceful,white Lamb who was slain for the sins of mankind!
His blood shed at Golgotha offers forgiveness of sins,Salvation,Healing,Deliverance!
The greatest reward is He takes over your life if you ask Him!
If you apply His blood on the doorpost of your Life!!
I am who I am seals you with his Precious Holy Spirit and bestows you with His Grace!
This Grace is sufficient ..Teaches you to worship I am who I am in Spirit and Truth!
Amazzing Grace changes you inside out as you worship I am who I am!
Amazing Grace is all about a DIVINE person who took human form!
In the womb of a virgin by the WORD OF GOD
 Mary  came under His Wings!and was overshadowed!
The Mystery ..The Word Became flesh!
Lived in perfect submission to His Heavenly Father and
 His earthly authority figures.Mary and Joseph.
Grew up in Wisdom and Favor as He 'submitted'!
The Heaven smiled at Him!
He heard a sound from Heaven
'You are my Beloved Son'!in whom I am well pleased'at Water Baptism!
The Precious Holy Spirit..The Spirit of Truth!The Spirit of Wisdom....
Descended in Him at Jordan in the waters,OVERSHADOWED Him.
The Spirit of God accomplished Father's will in His Life.
The Prayer Life of COMMUNION in  the Garden of Gethsamene!
Where tables are turned against Him?..the darkest place on Planet Earth
Battling the worst depression..caving into it..crying out to people to help.
At least to agree in Prayer that the Cup of suffering may pass by!
But nobody seems to be at His Beck and call!?
HE pressed forward in worship and communion,laboring,sweating blood!
Surrendering Finally to the Father's Will
The Battle is Won here at 'Golgotha'!.
.IN the battlefield of His mind!

The same sound heard at Jordan was heard by the disciples of Lord Jesus!?
As they waited on Him..The Holy Spirit in the Upper Room!
The rushing wind..The Flame ..The tongues of Fire..The Languages!
The Boldness to become Martyrs..To speak the Truth in Love
To demonstrate Power ..Power to Love Your Enemy
Power to endure the hardships that follows with following Jesus!
Obedience to the point of death!
To take up your own cross and..
 Fight battles at your'GOLGOTHA!
What transformed them ?..Is is not the Sound ..
The still small voice that followed mighty rushing wind?
The sound in the Shadow of His wings!
 You can be sure to hear however stony deaf you are!
''Beloved son,daughter,I am [who I am]Is Well Pleased with You!
It is  this sound..which penetrates your innermost being !
 The Loving,Piercing, Sound that  Transforms you through Love,..Love Song!
As you release this sound of Love..the tongues of Love ,
Tongues cleansed by the fiery coal!
World structures are pierced!Kingdoms of 'd I $co' Crumble!
Kings fumble...bow down at the feet of Lord Jesus..
King of Kings and Lord Of Lords!
The Lion of Judah who delivers His People and rules with Justice!
JUSTICE Will rule!every tongue will confess JESUS IS Lord!
And The Happy , ''Fair ''ending comes!
The Bridegroom comes to take Home
 Hs Loving ,Spotless,Blameless Beloved Bride!
They reign and rule Forever and Forever!
Partying at the feet of I am who I am !
Celebrating , I am who I am!
Laying down your crowns with the redeemed ones!
Crying!Laughing!Shouting,HOLY !HOLY!HOLY!

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