Jason Gray - Remind Me Who I Am (Official Music Video) - YouTube
Dearest Sir anfd family,
Thankyou,for reminding me that I am loved!Miss havin friendly,godly ,neighbor here!My friendly neigbor Somi left!So I'm sort of in the dark without a neigbor!!I feel I belong there. where YELLOW ROSES Blloom!Nothin to beat the TEXAS Heat!....but there isalways the friendly cool hugs to balance it oot!
Sorry!, we act ed like'STUPPANDI'S'and hid in our den when you were around....with gun and...6pk muscle!We are a 'little bit' scared of COPS!My husband has a muslim first name...Aa..u..So we presumed you lived next door tp snoop on us!I used to regularly snoop on you..That was my full time hobby!SNOOPING ON PEOPLE from my window...don't like sitting idle and wasting time!There are valuable lessons. I learned through ART OF SNOOPING!!I dicovered a good samaritan neigbour in you!Hardly anybody cleaned the snow in our apt!WEdid driving=iceskating in Texas when it snoed in Amarillo!!Plz don't think that Texas PANHANDLE people are religious BIBLE BELT people and so attend churches and pray24x7!I think they pray more on car skating days!?..
I prayed there24x7?on snow days as I did n't I know if I'd return home odrHOME[ABOE]after carskating!!..My loved one miraculosly survided 2 accidents on black ice once @an intersection..car spinning 360 degrees....no vehicle from opposie side so escaped...same day similar accident ..lady's time line ended in the hospital he worked!!............Sir you never wanted any of us to sustain fracture iceskating!When nobody was lookinh you would get out with your spade and clean the pavement .!!May God bless you!bless you!bless you!I saw God's love in you!!rare to see in peoplz these days..it 'll change..thanks to people like you!!
It broke my already broken heart when I heard your wive's story!I remember asking you on a Memorial day whether you were going to watch the fire work!You never answered but smiled and went into your apt.I was shocked to hear how you were surving the BIG SHOCK ...your young son killed =casualty in IRAQ war!
I tried calling you couple of times...nobody picking up the phone...like me!!I wanted to talj with Mrz Alonzo badly!Thankyou so much for the recliner...love it so much..at times the four of us huddle on it!looks like a 'srew ' is loose on one side!!I literally live and blog live ..on that'inspiational'chair!!!!I call it the CHAIR OF LOVE fronm GOD who calls Me and You Beloved!!
I hope my letter reaches you somehow through fbook or twitter,or,LinkedIn,orkut,Amazon.....google+Iam networking basically to get in touch with people who have pored love and instiiled vaues in my life ...and to let them know they are loved Gracios.I love making friends with Friendly FOES=Friendly people but thinl'diammetically' oppsite to me!!
gploria[hope u rememder me..next door,wllow gen,indian,gals 4 gangsters yelling nxt doorfight??glad u didn't HANDCUFF US!i now wish U DID!!??Would have got to interact with you more!!!
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