Jason Upton - Lion of Judah - YouTube
Jason Upton
Jason Upton is an American Christian singer-songwriter, musician, recording artist and composer. His musical creations are mostly Christian worship songs inspired by folk music.Wikipedia
Born: December 15, 1973 (age 38)my sister @1973always wished she had a 6 pk galtwin to '''bring it on ''dimple twinw''i nany figt gol mol the fighter cock wold overthror her detonate or bully her phyciaclly''pinch''technology woyh finger chips...till the cout decided time ot=spanking!!haha, this is a piece of obcure mispelled intentionally written ''broning''poetry to be read onl by international ''bronies who understand ''obScure poetry?warning=not to be tead by HEADLESS CRYING RED NOSED CLONES ON ''THE SILENT KILLER!! NOT SURE OF THEMSELVES!????????????????[MinneapolisCE Record labels: Integrity Media, Sparrow Records, Gotee Records |
Uploaded by tsvorvitaliy on May 14, 2008
Jason Upton is an independent Christian worship leader - Lion of Judah , taken from CD/DVD "Between The Earth and Sky. recorded in Morning Star Church, Fort Mill, SC
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